

New Mansoura University scholarship rules For the academic year 2023-2024

Important note: Scholarship rules are subject to change with the approval of the university’s Board of Trustees every year .

First: Grants to students admitted to the university during their first academic year:

  1. High school excellence scholarships:
  • The top three hundred (300) students for each of the secondary school sections in the academic year receive a full scholarship.
  • Science Division students who obtain a grade higher than 92% receive a 50% discount.
  • Mathematics Department students who obtain 90% or more receive 50%.
  • Literary Division students who obtain 85% or more receive a 50% discount.
  1. STEM school students :
  • The top students in each college at the university receive one STEM Scholarship for the top student enrolled in the college.
  1. New students in the faculties of: International Legal Transactions - Business - Engineering - Computer Engineering - Sciences:
  • Students who obtain the highest grade in high school among those applying to these colleges receive discounts ranging from 10% up to a full scholarship according to their grade in high school as follows:

the college

Total student in high school / discount percentage

10% discount 

25% discount 

50% discount  %

100% discount 


60: <70%



 And more than 90%

International legal transactions

65%: <70%

70% :<75%

75%: <90%

90% : 100%


72% :< 78%

78% :< 85%

85% :< 95%

95% : 100%

Computer Engineering

72% :< 78%

78% :< 85%

85% :< 95%

95% : 100%

the sciences

60: <70%



and more than 90%


Second: Granting athletic excellence in the year following the achievement:

  • A student who wins a medal in international competitions receives a discount according to the following: gold medal 100%, silver medal 50%, bronze medal 25%.
  • A student who wins a medal in Arab and African competitions receives a discount according to the following: (gold medal 50%, silver medal 25%, bronze medal 10%).

  Third: Awarding excellence in the following years:

  • The student with a cumulative GPA (CGPA = 3.65) receives a quarter of a scholarship .
  • The student with a cumulative GPA (3.85 = CGPA) receives half a scholarship .
  • The student with a cumulative GPA (4 = CGPA) receives a full scholarship .

Fourth: Social support grants:

  • The President of the University, based on the proposal of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, may grant a student who lost his family during his studies a percentage of discount on tuition fees that depends on his family’s marital status, on the condition that he attends studies regularly.
  • Children of martyrs from the armed forces and police are granted a 50% reduction in the value of their tuition fees, provided that they provide evidence from an approved authority.
  • Second-degree relatives (siblings) are granted a 10% discount for a student who enrolls while his brother is still a student at the university or has graduated from it.

Fifth: Allocating scholarships for students of determination:

  • Reducing tuition fees for students with special needs by 50%.